My Story 


My Story

I can remember sitting in meditation one afternoon and the words, “finding my way home,” came to me. I took it one step further and thought the concept of finding “Om” captured the universal essence and quality of my teaching and how this business concept would unfold. From that day, The Way Om, was born.

I became yoga certified in the summer of 2014 and embarked on one of the biggest journeys of life. I was newly married, a mother to a six month old and now moving across the country, from southern California to Pensacola, Florida.

I began teaching locally and noticed a pattern among my students and class goers. Whether we were born and raised in Pensacola, we all came from different states, places, backgrounds and found home, solace, and well-being in community with each other. The yoga classroom started to feel like a home away from home, a community; our ‘sangha,’ as the yogis would say.

My teaching methodology was somewhat unconventional at the time and remains so to this day. While some instructors played traditional, Kirtan music, I preferred themes such as ‘classic rock night,’ or ‘James Bond’ theme yoga flow, to name a few. I even took that a step further and started hosting ‘yoga socials,’ or ‘yosos’ for short at local venues and restaurants, where students could practice yoga in novel locations and stay for dinner and drinks after class. That’s where our community and the inclusiveness was fostered. If there is one thing I drive home in my classes, is that yoga is accessible and is available for everyone and every lifestyle.

I experienced a long teaching hiatus in 2019 when I returned to school to become a registered nurse. During that transition, I experienced the loss of a major relationship and the beginning of a new career amid the backdrop of Covid-19. The experiences and insights I’ve gained during that transition have given me a new found appreciation for this practice called yoga and I’m delighted to offer those insights and classes on a whole new platform on Youtube.

I hope you find the classes insightful, brief and effective while remaining true the essence of yoga. I deliberately created shorter sequences in an online format for those that would like to practice yoga but have a difficult time fitting it into their busy schedules. I truly believe yoga is for everyone and every body and cannot wait to practice with you. Namaste and welcome om!

In Soulful Service,

Sarah Baca